The NBA's Ungrateful Eight

The NBA’s Ungrateful Eight

Much is said about the top of the NBA pyramid these days, and rightfully so.  The Warriors and Spurs have distanced themselves from the competition in the Western Conference.  The Cavaliers and Raptors are in the process of doing the same in the East.  But lest we forget the team’s scraping and clawing for the… Continue reading The NBA’s Ungrateful Eight

Eastern Conference No Longer NBA’s Laughingstock

For the better part of the post-Michael Jordan era in the NBA, the Eastern Conference has been a subject of ridicule in NBA circles.  It wasn’t unwarranted chastising as the East routinely fielded substantially weaker teams than its Western counterpart.  They would have a good team or two, but no depth.  Teams under .500 were… Continue reading Eastern Conference No Longer NBA’s Laughingstock