Let The Bagley/Porter Tankapalooza Begin

Let The Bagley/Porter Tankapalooza Begin

The NBA has a tanking problem.  It is something the league combats on a yearly basis.  But rather than most people who try to find solutions to the issue, I’ve embraced it.  There is no sense in fighting it any longer.  There are too many blue chippers worth throwing a season away for these days.… Continue reading Let The Bagley/Porter Tankapalooza Begin

The Sacramento Kings Debacle

As a Knicks fan, it is hard to call other clubs disasters.  It is the definition of a pot calling the kettle black.  But while my team is hair-pullingly maddening, it pales in comparison to what is going on in Sacramento.  A Western Conference powerhouse in the early 2000’s, the Kings have re-become the punching bag… Continue reading The Sacramento Kings Debacle

The NBA’s Ungrateful Eight

Much is said about the top of the NBA pyramid these days, and rightfully so.  The Warriors and Spurs have distanced themselves from the competition in the Western Conference.  The Cavaliers and Raptors are in the process of doing the same in the East.  But lest we forget the team’s scraping and clawing for the… Continue reading The NBA’s Ungrateful Eight